At Euroflorist, we want to ensure that your bouquet brings joy and matches your expectations. Occasionally, there may be variations between the delivered bouquet and the website photo. In this article, we'll explain our approach to bouquet arrangement and address concerns related to color schemes and value.
All bouquets, decorations and plants are handcrafted by a local florist or by our wholesaler. We strive to have easily accessible flowers in all our products that we display in our online store. The assortment at our local flower shops will vary throughout the year because the availability of flowers will vary throughout the seasons.
If a particular flower is not available, it will be replaced with a flower of similar shape and colour. Our florists will always work towards creating a bouquet as similar to the original product as possible.
In our product photos, we usually show flowers that are in full bloom. This is to show how the bouquet looks during most of its lifetime. When the flowers are delivered they are fresh, and may therefore include flowers that have not yet fully bloomed. This is so that your flower greeting can be enjoyed for as long as possible. All prices are stated under each product and for each size. Mediation costs are included in the flower value, delivery costs are added to the product price. If the number of flowers is not stated in the product description, it may vary depending on the size and price of the flowers. In addition, the assortment at the florists can vary depending on the season and availability.